Ars Transmutatoria is Michel's latest large scale composition project. For more information visit his Bandcamp page and Jeannette's blog. Journal des Épisodes is a year long daily musical diary kept by Michel Lambert. Each diary entry contains a musical score for symphony orchestra and a drawing. The album cover shows one of the journal entries. Here, in these two albums, the music has been restructured for this jazz trio featuring Alexandre Grogg - piano, Guillaume Bouchard - bass & Michel Lambert - drums. On their own, the episodes may often be very short, yet when played chronologically, they express another reality apart from daily life. The music is the result of a series of movements altogether different than linear time. They work in circles or several directions at once and, at times, they meet. “Going back through the written documents and doing the reduction from the orchestral score, I found, twenty or so years later, a world alive, rich and in constant motion.” ML More information is available at Jazz from Rant |
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